Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Haiku Knitted

Notice I didn't say it was finished, just knitted, but all the pieces are done and ready to sew together!! I bound off the sleeves yesterday. I'm glad I decided to knit both sleeves at the same time. I was able to just knit and only make decisions about where to increase and when to stop knitting once and when I was done one sleeve I was done both sleeves. No 'second sleeve syndrome" and no worries about trying to make the second sleeve match the first one exactly.

It was fun trying to figure out where to measure for the 7" length, I finally decided on a compromise. The center block stitch panel is about 7.25" and the side garter stitch panels are about 6.75". The center portion will kind of drape over the back of my niece's hand while the shorter side panels will keep the sleeve from getting in her way while she plays and climbs.

Hubby took a picture of the completed sleeves for me. The colour isn't quite right but check out that stitch definition! The sweater is more of a "rose" colour and less of a "peach" colour when you see it in person. Click on the image for the full size picture. You can see the body piece at my March 31st entry.
Haiku Sleeves

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