Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Giving stuff away

Mainiax asked if I end up giving most of my knitting away or if she is the only one that "after working on something for so long ... [doesn't] want to look at it anymore."

Well, I don't mind looking at things after working on them for a long time, but just about every thing that comes off my needles also goes out the door. At one point when I was trying to decide what to make next hubby suggested making something for My Own Son since I had been making things for everyone else for the last 6 months! Looking at my WIP list I think it is now 50% for my son and 50% for everyone else.

My big problem is actually finishing things. I try not to put myself on a tight deadline because I will unconsciously and actively avoid any project that is close to being finished. Case in point: I just have to finish the toe decreases and make an i-cord hanging loop to finish the Christmas Stocking. This would take maybe a weekend, but I haven't even picked it up in months. Does anyone else do this?

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