Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Rambling Rows - Weaving in Ends

This is also posted on the Knitter's List, sorry to any of you that are reading this for the 2nd time :)

I am going to the source of all Knitting information. I am almost 1/2 way through my first Rambling Rows Afghan and am feeling a bit daunted by all the ends left to weave in. I have been following their trick for knitting in the ends at the beginning of each block as I go, but that still leaves me with all the "end" bits to weave in.

I usually weave in the ends following the way the stitches are formed. This works great for most items that I knit however with Rambling Rows the ends are at the points of a series of decreases. Is there a nice simple way to weave in my ends that will keep this afghan looking good from both sides?

I have been just working the yarn up till there are a few full stitches and then weaving in at that point but it seems clunky and a bit chunky at those spots. I am very interested to know what other knitters of Rambling Rows have done with their yarn ends.

Thank you


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