Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Darth Tater

Trust Playskool to bring us a new and improved Mr. Potato Head. This one is called Darth Tater and comes complete with "lightsaber, cape, helmet, shoes, eyes, nose, teeth and more" I know what I will be searching for when this Sith Lord hits the stores.

Hubby is a total
Star Wars geek. The kind that you have to tell at the begining of each Star Wars movie that he is not allowed to say all the lines before they are said by the characters, it helps if he is given a limit on the number of lines that he is allowed to say at the same time as the characters say them too.

I do enjoy Star Wars myself, nice and long with lots of knitting time between the action scenes *grin* I can understand why no self respecting house with a Star Wars geek can be without Darth Tater :) Looking forward to seeing this newest addition in person :)


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