Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Monday, December 06, 2004

uh oh, it's hurts :(

It's been busy at work, lots and lots of data entry. This isn't too bad, but it has taken a toll on my wrist. My right wrist hurts just tilting it. Now I have to decide how much knitting to do, how much typing to do, and if I should report it at work. I might have to get a wrist brace and see if that helps, but I hate going to doctor. Oh well, we will see what it feels like tomorrow.
(edit: I think I figured it out. It hurts most when I hold Cole on my hip. I think I have "Held the boy too much" wrist. Well can't hold him too much, but I should have used the Pouch or sling to hold him for so long and saved my arm and wrist.)

On the upside I'm almost finished the 1st ball of Boa for the scarf, it looks like I will need all 3 balls or it will be a pretty short scarf. I'm glad I have my Denise needles for this one, nice light needles and a sharp enough point to dig into the hiding stitches in the furry yarn. :)

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