Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Monday, December 13, 2004

New Knitting Toy :)

I got lots of nice things for Sinterklaas but the best is my new knitting toy... I mean tool! A palmOne Zire 31!!! Now I just have to decide which knitting software to load eKnit-Kards or KnitAble. I have the demo of eKnit-Kards that gives me 5 Kards to play with and it looks pretty good. The other one has a desktop version that might be easier to navigate but it doesn't come with anything preloaded to I would be typing in everything. The PDA only versions are both about the same price approx. $30 US each, so it's really just a features, looks type of decision. I have seen on the lists that some people have both installed, so there must be pros and cons to both. I will have to do some more research on that.

I am almost finished the 2nd ball of the Boa Scarf, those long drives to and from the ferry really helped!! Now I just have to find more time to finish off the 2nd and start/finish the 3rd ball. I really hope to have this finished by the 22nd. And then there is the poor Christmas Stocking which has been waiting patiently to be finished. I had intended to duplicate stitch in Cole's name but I'm not sure if I will have time, and not sure if I would be able to do it justice. I have never done duplicate stitch on anything yet. I wish I knew if I could make it to one of the knitting meetings this month where someone could show me the best way to get started. There was a rumour of maybe having an extra Knitting and Beer meeting on the 14th which would have been kewl but it was cancelled. Then there is the regularly scheduled meeting on the 20th. I don't know if I will be able to make it to the 20th meeting, we are leaving on Thursday the 23rd for Christmas on the Island and I might be stuck packing that night. :(

I was informed by email that my blog won't let just anyone post comments. This is very sad as I told the "Settings" elves that I wanted Everyone to be able to post. I have tried a possible fix, told it to allow only Members, saved it, then told it to allow Anyone and saved again. Please let me know if this worked, otherwise I will have to bug Blogger to get it fixed. Thanks :)

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