Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Knitting Software

I have finally decided which software I want. I am going to get the eKnit-Kards. I downloaded the trial version of KnitAble and while I like the look and feel of KnitAble better, they really are telling the truth when they say they don't preload anything. With eKnit-Kards there are common abbreviations already loaded for stitches so I will have to type less. eKnit-Kards doesn't have as many measurement options but it has a 'notes' section for each person so that I can add in the foot measurements for those I have made socks for and might again. I think I will be happy with my choice. There is always the option of purchasing KnitAble in the future and get the benifit of both software packages. In the mean time the simple look of eKnit-Kards will work just fine. :)

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