Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Uh Oh!!

I learned an important lesson today. Even if I have time, and it's my lunch hour, I should Never Never update my Blog Template at work!! There was a point today when only half of my sidebar was showing up and NONE of my posts!!! The bottom 1/4 of my template code disappeared and I have no idea where it went or how, but it made a fine mess. I lost all the code for my posts, my archives, my previous posts, and some but not all of my links *sigh*

I have the basics fixed but I am still missing some of my links and there are updates that I did yesterday that I didn't save anywhere so I will have to recreate them... Another day. Today I am content to be back almost to where I was 2 days ago. :)

On a happier note I went to the
Knitting and Beer gathering at Red Robin yesterday and there were actual Knitters there!! I am so happy. It was great to spend time with people that had interesting things to say and lovely yarns to admire. I will definitely go to the next meeting.

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