Just a simple little blog to talk about my knitting, my cats, my wonderful son, and perhaps other things in my life.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Gots a Cold :(

Well, it appears that I've gone and got another cold. This one has taken up residence in my ears which is very distressing. There were a few hours this afternoon where I wasn't sure if I would be able to drive myself home from work as I was so dizzy. It cleared up enough by the time work was over. (not that I was very productive today) I went to the clinic and the doctor agreed that I have a nasty cold and suggested I take vitamin C and echanachia to get my immune system boosted and gave me a prescription for a decongestant/cough suppressant that will help me sleep. Ahhh sleep, that will be nice!!! I might even go to work tomorrow if I get enough sleep, otherwise I will stay home and sleep during the day while Cole is in daycare. I'm sure the cats won't mind keeping me company :)

I see my shameless plea for knitted teddy bear patterns hasn't resulted in any suggestions. I got a few from the
KnitList though, but none were doubled so I now have an even bigger selection to choose from! Here are the suggestions I got from the KnitList in no particular order:

If this triggers any memories of knit bears from the past, or future plans please let me know even if you didn't to the knitting :) I'd love to hear from anyone that has seen one of these knit bears on person and can tell me the goods and the bads about it and the pattern.


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